Useful Links
A21 - Support for survivors of human trafficking
Al-Anon - Support for family members of those addicted to alcohol.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Support for those who were or are addicted to alcohol.
ARA Recovery for All Problem Gambling Service - Provides counselling for those who have a gambling problem and their family members.
ASIST -Provides support and training around preventing suicides.
Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC) - provides a directory of counsellors and supervisors, provides counselling ethics and policies.
Citizen's Advice Bureau - Gives general advice.
GamCare - Provides support for problem gamblers.
Night Link Cornwall - Provides telephone support.
Nightlink Helpline: 0808 8000 306 (office)
Nightlink Text Service: 07717 989021 (mobile)
National Gambling Helpline 0808 8020 133
Papyrus UK - Provides support to those affected by suicide whether directly or professionally
Helpline UK 0800 068 41 41
Pegasus Men's Wellbeing Centre CIC - provides counselling for predominantly men, nationwide
Samaritans - Provide support for those struggling with suicide.
Women's Aid